Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Letter "G" Great Dr. Seuss Stories

Show and Tell consisted of Lots of GUM!!! Green Goblin, Gorillas, Giraffe, Toy Guns, and stuffed goats were also GREAT!! We read the story "Three Billy Goat Gruff" and used our Goat puppets during it.

Rhyming stories are a lot of fun. We learned who Dr. Seuss was, and that he wrote a lot of fun books with lots of Rhymes. The silly book, "There's a Wocket in My Pocket" brought out a silly game of rhyming our names and other things in the room.
We painted our feet to make our own "Foot Book". And trying to balance an apple on our heads is a lot of fun. We then drew how many "Apples Up On Top" of a picture of ourselves to remind us of one of Dr. Seuss's great books that was read.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Letter "F" Fabulous Nursery Rhymes

Letter "F" Fire Trucks, Fantastic Four, Frogs, Fairies, and Sweetish Fish was just some of the Fun and Fabulous things that started with "F" that was shared in preschool today. Our Puppet was a FISH. The card game, "Go Fish" was a Favorite, along with fishing with a magnetic pole to retrieve a small treat.

Nursery Rhymes are also a fun thing to learn. We sang some, said some, and even acted out some. A Jack-Be-Nibble candle stick was made so we jumped, crawled, skipped around it. We read together our very own Nursery Rhyme coloring book,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dental Care and the letter "Ee"

The Letter E is a difficult letter to come up with a "show and tell" item, however, my little guys didn't fail me!! We showed off an "Eye Ball", an "Elephant Truck", stuffed "Eyor", "Easter Eggs" that was shared, and even cute, little "Emma".

We sang "Jumbo the Elephant" with our Elephant Puppet that we made.
We talked about going to the Dentist. We read about the Bereastein Bears loosing baby teeth, going to the Dentist and fixing teeth with cavities.
With a laminated tooth, we practiced how to brush. We colored, glued and sprinkled, a large mouths, which afterwards we held up and sang the "Brushing" Song:
(to the tune of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat)
Brush, Brush, Brush, Your Teeth,
Every morn'in and night,
So They Won't get Cavities,
And be smiling bright!

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Dd" is for Dinosaurs!

For each letter of the day, the children may bring something that starts with that letter, to school to "Show and Tell". Today we had many stuffed Dogs, and pet shoppe Dogs to show. Also we got Dinosaurs, and even a "Darth Vader".

Our puppet was a "Duck" and we sang "5 Little Ducks" with our finished puppets.

Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs!

Dinosaur Day is always a fun day. Fascinating to think that these large, huge, gigantic animals lived long, long, long, long, time ago. We looked at pictures, and read books about dinosaurs. We discovered how big they actually were, what they ate, and the different types. We found out how they died, and how their bones were found and put back together like a puzzle.
We painted a volcano, and glued different dinosaurs around the volcano. We also did a dinosaur puzzle, kinda like finding bones, and putting the dinosaur together.
For snack, we made a stegosauruses out of a banana, chex cereal, and chocolate chips.
We played the "Dinosaur Dance" which was a lot like the "Hokey Pokey"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Party

Valentines, Valentines, Valentines!

Today we decorated our Valentine Boxes.
We got to decide weather to decorate it with a
Dinosaur, "Have a Dino-mite Valentines!"
Bear, "Have a Very Happy Valentines!"
Lion, "Have A Grrrrr-eat Valentines!"
We finished our Roses for our moms.
and played games. We played,
Valentine Bingo,
Musical chairs,
and Don't Eat

We saved the best for last, when with much anticipation,
we finally passed out our Valentines to our friends!

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Cc" is for Valentine Cookies"

It's always fun to decorate your own cookies. Although kinda messy, what's valentines without heart shape sugar cookies?
We read the story "Mr. Cookie Baker", about a baker who gets up early each morning to make all sorts and types of Cookies! There are many, many different kinds of Cookies!
The game "Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar" was played along with a coloring of a Cookie Jar filled with pretend cookies to take home.
The puppet for the day was a "CAT" Cats come in all different colors, I think the children's favorite color was "rainbow".

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heart Art and the letter "Bb"

What is Valentines?
We read a story about Valentines, and reviewed why February is full of Hearts and that Hearts mean LOVE!! We decided that it's important to tell our friends and family how much we love them not only on valentines, but all year long!!
We made "Heart" necklaces, with ribbon and pretzels. We also started our Rose Bouquet that we are making for our mothers on Valentines.

Letter "Bb"
"Bird" puppet was made, and we sang "5 little Black Birds" using our puppets.
Other songs sung today were...
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game."
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"
"Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ground Hog Day and Shadows

6 More Weeks of Winter!!

We read the Story "Substitute Ground Hog". What a fun book that explains why only a Ground Hog will do for this important day. We talked about shadows, then we turned off the lights and turned on a spot lite. We each took turns making fun shadows on the wall with our hands and bodies.

We painted, glued and cut a Ground Hog, puppet, and did a matching shadows project.
We started our Alphabet today!
Letter "Aa"
We will be making a "Letter Puppet" and a Page for our Alphabet Book, each day.
The puppet today was an Alligator, and on each letter page, we practice tracing, cutting, gluing and coloring.