Thursday, April 30, 2009

Useful Farm Animals and the letter "V"

Many "V" items were brought today. A Violet princess shoe, Verizon cell phone, Venom action figures and even Starwars Villain, Venturous.
Although is wasn't Valentines, our puppet, was a Decorated Valentine. Many of the children asked, why we didn't do this puppet at Valentines. Nothing gets past these smarties.

We made wearable Vest, by decorating them with many fome stickers of dinosaurs, flowers and letters. Although we could wear them, we decided that they weren't too comfortable. Miss Janalynn's ripped when she attempted to put hers on.
Continuing our monthly theme of "Animals" We talked about why farm animals were so important. We learned that many of the farm animals provide us with food. Chicken Nuggets come from chicken, Hot dogs from pigs, and Milk from cows. We had these foods for our snack.
We practiced Folding today. This was a somewhat difficulty with some of the children. We decided that we needed to practice "folding". We cut and then folded farm animals that could go in and out of a pre-made barn.
A fun game was played today, "Little Boy Blue" We pretended to be sheep and cows. We would across the yard whenever Little boy blue blew his horn. If Little Boy Blue caught one of us, we would have to go to the barn, until everyone was caught. We really loved this game, especially if we got to be Little Boy Blue!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Letter "U" Animals for Pets

Unicorns and plenty of Umbrellas were brought to preschool today! We colored, and decorated a movable umbrella, sang rain songs. For snack we even used our imagination and ate muffin tops, because we thought they looked a lot like the tops of umbrellas.

Today we also talked about different types of Pets. We learned that pets need a lot of care.
A fun Read-A-Long called Dirty Harry, told a story about a dog so dirty that his owners didn't recognize him, until he took a bath.
Afterwards we did just that, we gave Miss Janalynn's dogs baths!! It was a fun, yet WET experience!
Because the weather was quite nice, we took our umbrellas outside and played Simon Says, using our umbrellas.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"T" and Wild Animals

Today we focused on "T" We made a Turtle puppet, Had Tator Tots for a snack (a very fun and yummy snack) We even painted our own personal turtle made with a single egg Crete as a shell.
Show'n tell was filled with tigers, t-rex, turtles, tarantara, transformers and a toe truck

We talked about wild animals, and how most can be found at a zoo, so we and ejoy looking at them without them hurting us. We took home a fun head-swap puzzle of different wild animals.
The weather was super nice today, so we got to go outside to play "Toss" the Ball with milk jugs. It was a lot of fun trying to catch the toss ball with this milk-jug type mit.

Monday, April 20, 2009

"S" Seeds, and Birds

Our puppet today was a sun. We talked about Seeds and that we even eat some seeds. We eat beans, corn, nuts, and peas which are all "SEEDS". We made a Sunflower with paper and brown paint. Then we glued Sunflower seeds in the middle, For a snack we had Strawberry Sandwiches.

We talked about birds, we looked at many different kinds of birds. We colored common birds that we might see in our own back yards. We then made a fun bird seed treat for the birds. We took a bagel, spread peanut butter on it then dipped it into bird seed. A string tied through the bagel will help hang the treat in the trees for the birds. Spreading was a first time thing for some of us and good practice.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"R" Reptiles

Show'n tell had lots of R items such as, race cars, stuffed raccoons, rabbits, a rocket, rino, and robot raptor toy, along with a racket and sting-RAY! We then colored a raccoon puppet. We read and looked at pictures of different types of reptiles. We got great practice cutting when we followed the line around and around a paper plate. With these plates, we used markers to color snakes patterns and then used water and brushes over the marker to blend the colors to show a "smooth" skin like surface.

For a game, Miss Janalynn held up a make like cloud box, and shook "rain drops" all over, which we gathered and called off different letters that were found on the rain drops. We all got to take turns "being the rain cloud and shaking rain drops"

We also started some fun new songs that have to do with rain, which we will sing at the end of the year in our "End of Year Program.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Q" Ocean Animals

Letter Q is a fun letter trace and write. We colored a Queen puppet and talked about how quilts are made with different pieces of material. We made a tiny quilt with paper, by tracing our names on squares of paper. We then passed out out one of our names to each classmate. Last but not least we glued each name to eachother to form a small quilt-like craft. This helped the children, think about how to position each piece and how to glue which side. A great thought excise.

Watching a part of "Finding Nemo" to see all the different types of Ocean life, we then made our own aquarium to take home. We drew (I did a lot of the drawing for them) plants and rocks found in the ocean, then painted over the crayon drawings. After it had dried, we glued on cut outs of the Ocean animals we saw in the movie.

For snack we had tuna fish sandwiches. A favorite for some, not so much for others.

Monday, April 6, 2009

"P" is for Parties!!!

After a show and tell of Penguins, stuffed Pigs, Pirates, a Pilot action figure, and making our Puppet for the day of a Pig, we started our "Pajama" Party!

The children LOVED wearing their Pajamas!!

We made Playdoe with flour, salt and water.

We played a game called don't fall into the "Pond", and Frogs in the "Pond"!
We ate Pizza for our snack/lunch.
The highlight of the Party, next to wearing our Pajamas, was the PINATA!!
Brock brought a Pinata to Preschool to share.
There was Plenty of candy to take home.
This was definitely a Party to remember!!

Rain and Mud and the Letter "O"

Action figures of OB1-kanobe and Dr. Octopus were our show and tell today.
We made an Octopus Puppet, and had Oatmeal Cookies for our snacks.
Rain makes mud. We learned that worms and pigs LOVE mud. Mud helps keep animals cool from the hot sun. When it rains, worms love to come out onto sidewalks because it is wet. For a craft, we strung cut up drinking straws, to make our own wiggly worms. Rain makes dirt into mud. Rain is important to make mud for our plants, so they too will not be too hot fro the sun, and also so they can drink the water in the ground. We made mud by mixing a large bucket of dirt with water. We took turns mixing the dirt until it made mud. Afterwards we spooned some of the mud into cups and planted a seed.

Letter "N" and Windy Weather

Our Fun Puppet was a "NUT"
We sang the fun song, "Found a Peanut" with our puppets
We talked about Nests, and even looked and touched a real bird's nest.
afterwards we mixed up melted marshmellows and mixed it with Chinese noodles to make our own nest, to take home and eat later.

Noodles, Noodles, and More Noodles!
For snack we had Noodles. Some were long and some were short. And all were fun to eat!
Our Theme today was "Wind"
If you are wondering what the plastic lid covered with goop, that was sent home is, let me explain. It is a Debris catcher. We talked about how the wind blows all sorts of things. It blows hats, kites, paper, dirt, sticks, etc. We used rags to wipe on Petroleum Jelly on both sides of the lid. Hang it up outside and see what the wind will blow onto it. Already I have string, hair, twigs and even small bugs on my Debris catcher.
For a craft. We dripped green liquid onto paper and used straws to "blow" like wind with our breath to make leaves "blowing in the wind".

Four Seasons and the letter "M"

Marvelous M

For show and tell there was a lot of Monkeys, a mouse (a toy one) and a mask shown.

Our Puppet was a Monkey of course, and snack today, were Muffins and Milk!! We Danced to different types of Music. We listened and moved to the sounds. Some Music is slow like turtles, deep like elephants, quick like a rabbit and high sounding like little birds. We counted large and small Marshmellows from same size jars.

The Theme was "4 Seasons"
We introduced "Spring" and talked about what the weather is like and what happens during each seasons. We made 4 finger puppets to go along with a seasonal song.