Monday, April 6, 2009

Rain and Mud and the Letter "O"

Action figures of OB1-kanobe and Dr. Octopus were our show and tell today.
We made an Octopus Puppet, and had Oatmeal Cookies for our snacks.
Rain makes mud. We learned that worms and pigs LOVE mud. Mud helps keep animals cool from the hot sun. When it rains, worms love to come out onto sidewalks because it is wet. For a craft, we strung cut up drinking straws, to make our own wiggly worms. Rain makes dirt into mud. Rain is important to make mud for our plants, so they too will not be too hot fro the sun, and also so they can drink the water in the ground. We made mud by mixing a large bucket of dirt with water. We took turns mixing the dirt until it made mud. Afterwards we spooned some of the mud into cups and planted a seed.

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