Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Johnny Apple Seed and Shapes Party

While we have been learning our shapes, we have also been making a Shapes train by adding a different shapes car to the train each day. now that we have finished our shapes train, each child received their very own box car to paint shapes onto. Afterwards we played a Fun Game called "Ticket to Ride" We sang Down by the station, a shape was called out by the conductor, if you had a ticket with that shape on it, you may board the train. It was a lot of fun, especially because Miss Janalynn had a real train whistle.

We also read a fun story about Johnny Chapman, and how he was nicked named "Johnny Appleseed" we made Apple Crisp, and pots for our heads. We practiced printing our name onto the apple, and took home our apples that were on our preschool tree, so we can practice printing our name with a washable marker at home.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Apples, Apples, Apples

It's apple picking time, and we did just that! We spent some time outside picking apples! Each child had a sack of apple to take home. For our snack today we of course had cut up apples with dipping Carmel. Mmmm Yummy, and sticky!
We read a story about different types of apples, and the yummy things you make to eat with apples. We finally made necklaces with dried apples, and colored macaroni.

Our shape today was Hearts and Stars. Each of children received a Heart Stencil. We practiced tracing crayons around the heart stencil. Kiely loved her Heart stencil so much, she brought it back to class for the next 2 times, to show me how well she could trace hearts.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hide and Seek Shapes!

"I See Shapes"
4 Year olds decorated "Oval" glasses

Shapes are fun and the children pick up on them quickly! We went on shape hunts, and sang or did a finger poem for each shape. We decorated each shape with fun paint, stickers, and paper.We loved tossing balls into boxes, throwing large fury dice threw a hula-hoop, and picking up eggs with spoons. Snacks where Oval shaped, sliced bananas, one day, while Square cheese with circled crackers for another. For the day of triangles, we ate triangle shaped sandwiches. Don't be surprised if your child starts seeing shapes around the house and yells them out! It's fun to see them search and recognise shapes in everyday objects.

eggs and spoons are shaped like ovals.
A bit of a twist to any ol' easter egg hunt!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Week of Preschool

It's fun for me and the children to meet and get to know new friends. We focused on rules and routines of preschool, forming lines, washing hands, sharing, taking turns etc. Self awareness, how we are different, and the same. How we are growing bigger, stronger, and older. And of course making new friends and how we should treat our friends.

We took turns shaking up pudding in a large jar!

And we ate animal cookies, dipped in pudding.

(We pretended the animals were going to a water hole to drink)

New Preschool Friends!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome to "Wee" Love Preschool 2009-2010

I am so excited for a new year of Preschool! My little 3 year olds from last year have returned and have grown up into helping 4 year olds! I have new 4 year olds to add to the mix along with some beginning 3 year olds!! I am happy to have these fun, lively children to entertain myself and each other, while learning fun and exciting things this year!