We talked about the letter "V" today! Luke was quite happy to know that Vacuum started with the letter V. We talked about Volcanoes. We looked at pictures of Volcanoes. We attempted to glue torn tissue paper on a cone-shaped volcano. First thing I realized is that our class needs to practice more on ripping or tearing paper. This is a great small motor skill. I demonstrated by placing both hands on top of paper and pulling apart. Second thing I noticed is that the children wasn't quite sure about the glue-water mixture, and didn't want to smooth the tissue paper down with their hands. Over all our Volcanoes turned out pretty good, however, I think next year we might use paint instead of tissue paper. We tempted to glue our "V" pictures onto our volcanoes after the tissue paper was on. Yeah, for V!
We Love Our Mommies! We took turns telling each other what we love about our mom. Miss Janalynn melted chocolate, and each child took turns stirring the chocolate with a pretzel wand. We finished by sprinkling the wands. We placed the magic wands in a bag with a mothers day note attached to it. I hope all the mom's love the chocolate wands. I know the children LOVED making the wands. They especially LOVED making a chocolate wand for themselves to eat.