Friday, November 7, 2008

Leaves Are Falling

It wasn't hard to take a short walk outside and find all sorts of leaves in every shape, size and color on the ground. We gathered leaves to make a pretty autumn frame around a poem we learned in preschool. We soon learned, however, that when leaves dry, they become crunchy, and are fun to stomp on.
We had wheat toast shaped like leaves, and topped them with strawberry jam, for our snack. We also read a fun book by Zoe Hall, called "Fall Leaves Fall!"
This week, we also learned about manners and how to be polite. We made place mats, with a place for our cups, plates, knives, forks, and spoons. We decorated our place mats with different shapes, and a manners song, that we will be continuing to learn throughout the year! On our new place mats, we ate our pumpkin cookies, and drank apple cider.

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