Thursday, March 19, 2009

"L" is for Leprechauns

St. Patrick's Day Party

After showing off our Lovely "L" items such as stuffed Lions and Leopards, Little Lolly Pops, Littlest Pet shop Lamb, and then lots of Lasers, We made our Lion Puppet. My afternoon class was LUCKY to see, and hold a Leopard Gecko, or we also called a Lizard.

We had a Magical party, we found shamrocks, by learning to do rubbings. We placed a cut out of a clover under a sheet of paper. Then we used the side of an unwrapped green crayon, and rubbed the paper until magically a shamrock appeared. We kept the Shamrock to stencil or trace around.

For a fun snack we made vanilla pudding. We mixed blue and yellow food coloring into the pudding, magically make the pudding turn GREEN! We ate the pudding with Leprechaun shaped cookies.
A fun game called "Find the Gold" was played. Gold pieces were found, and placed into our homemade pots, to take home.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Letter "K" Rainbows and Lucky Charms

Kangaroos, Kittens, Karate turtles, Kick balls, and a picture of a Brother, named Kobe, were fun things to show today. We talked about Kangaroos, and how they have powerful legs that jump a strop tail that allows them to KICK.

Lucky things such as socks, numbers, hats etc were told to bring some people Luck. We talked about how some people believe that find 4 leaf clovers, or Shamrocks, and catching a Leprechaun can also bring luck.
Many children claim to have found the end of a Rainbow, I wish I have. I just can't seem to find that Pot of Gold that is believed to be there. We made Rainbows on the wall with a big diamond shape prism and talked about how the sun shines through the rain like the glass to make Rainbows. Have fun looking for those Rainbows.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Letter "J" Wonderful Weather

We learned a new Vocabulary word today...."Jester" however, no matter how hard I tried to convinced the children that a Jester, was a lot like a Joker, but did NOT hurt anyone (darn the Bat Man movie) they were still convinced that the Jester Puppet made today was a bad guy. I continually repeated that a Jester was more like a clown. I don't know what was worse. I didn't realize how many children were actually afraid of clowns. Next year I'll have to make a different "J" puppet.
Jam on toast along with Juice was our snack and Jelly beans was shared at the end of class.
Things that were shown were Jabba-the-Hut, Joker, (bat man figure/villain), Jump rope, Jeep, and a stuff Jaguar.

Weather is a fun theme for March. What a perfect month to demonstrate the different types of weather. Our weather chart is constantly changing. Today we made our very own weather charts to do each day at home.

We measured how far we could jump (Wow! I was very impressed how far these little ones could jump we got up to 47 inches!!!!) We kinda sorta learned how to jump a jump rope while two people are turning it. (Miss Janalynn needs to work on that one, it has been awhile. Silly me thought I could just show them how it was done, unfortunately, I'm not as coordinated as I used to be.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"In Like a Lion...the letter I"

Welcome March

It's fun talking about a new month. February is over, we changed our Heart Tree into a Clover Tree. We talked about things that happen in the month of March such as spring, the color green starts to show in grass, plants and trees, St. Patrick's day, and how the starting of March the weather seems to be loud like a like a Lion, and at the end of March it seems that it becomes gentle like a Lamb. We broke out the water colors and painted a lion and lamb picture, and read a fun rhyming story, "Sheep in a Jeep" by Nancy Shaw.

Letter today was "I" probably our favorite snack so far was today....ICE CREAM!!!

Show and tell was sparse but fun. We watched Ice melt, and listened to an Ipod. A stuffed Iguana, and the toy heros of Iron man and Ice man was shown.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Letter "H"

We Celebrated Dr. Seuss's Birthday by bringing a Book written by him, and taking turns reading each book throughout the preschool day. We painted a large hat with red stripes similar to the Cat In the Hat.

For the letter "H" we made Hippo puppets. stuffed, and toy Horses were brought, along with Hats,a toy Hammer, a Helicopter and even a stuffed Horton Elephant. Way to go guys!!
We ate Ham sandwhiches for a snack. I'm surprised how much the children really liked them. I'll remember that one again for another time.

Something random...... I ran up stairs to grab something. When I came back down, I found some cute little kids "HIDING" from me. I couldn't resist taking a picture.