We learned a new Vocabulary word today...."Jester" however, no matter how hard I tried to convinced the children that a Jester, was a lot like a Joker, but did NOT hurt anyone (darn the Bat Man movie) they were still convinced that the Jester Puppet made today was a bad guy. I continually repeated that a Jester was more like a clown. I don't know what was worse. I didn't realize how many children were actually afraid of clowns. Next year I'll have to make a different "J" puppet.
Jam on toast along with Juice was our snack and Jelly beans was shared at the end of class.
Things that were shown were Jabba-the-Hut, Joker, (bat man figure/villain), Jump rope, Jeep, and a stuff Jaguar.
Weather is a fun theme for March. What a perfect month to demonstrate the different types of weather. Our weather chart is constantly changing. Today we made our very own weather charts to do each day at home.
We measured how far we could jump (Wow! I was very impressed how far these little ones could jump we got up to 47 inches!!!!) We kinda sorta learned how to jump a jump rope while two people are turning it. (Miss Janalynn needs to work on that one, it has been awhile. Silly me thought I could just show them how it was done, unfortunately, I'm not as coordinated as I used to be.)
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