Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Oo" Animals on the Farm

Our theme for April is, Animals. We started with Farm Animals. Miss Janalynn pulled her "Old Lady" puppet, and we sang the song while we each took a turn feeding the old lady a different farm animal. There was a lot giggles. While we had our animals picked out for the old lady, we used them to sing the song, "Old McDonald Had A Farm". And read the book, "On the Farm".

Our letter for the day was "O". We talked about O words with the O sound. We then talked about Oxen. Oxen are similar to Cows, and Farmers use them to pull things because they are very strong. We used a tooth brush to paint fur onto our large Ox, then glued on O pictures.

For our snack we had Beagles because they were shaped like the letter "O".

For a game today, we took turns hiding a farm animal behind our backs, and giving clues about the animal, while the other children tried to guess what animal was hidden.

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