Today we talked about Pilgrims, Indians, and the first Thanksgiving. We looked at pictures of Pilgrims long ago, We saw the houses they lived in, the games they played, and the clothes they wore. We talked about things they did and didn't have and how it was very different then today, however, Thanksgiving is still the same.
Thanksgiving means Turkey. We colored and glued a turkey head and tail to a pine cone to make a fun turkey craft to take home. For snack we had corn bread and apple juice, a favorite pilgrim treat. Our game was also a pilgrims favorite, "Hot Potato".
We counted the points on a star, then glued 5 stars to our #5 today. We sang the songs, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Five Little Monkeys". The older class learned or practiced tracing around and inside a stencil star, and also around their hand and their 5 fingers.