Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mommies and Babies Letter "X"

The letter X is a some what hard letter to match anything or any word up with. We looked at a lot of words with the letter X in it. To make things more confusing, our puppet was a xylophone. Now the letter X in this case sounds like a Z. I did show the children a X-ray of my broken ankle, and another X-ray of my ankle after surgery. The children were amazed to see screws in my bones, and started calling me a robot and monster. (Boy are they learning how to tease!!!) I then had them trace their hands with white crayon onto black paper and draw bones to create their own X-rays. For a game, we tossed bean bags onto a Cross-A-Toss game. We got points for all the X's we could get.

Since Mother's Day is this Sunday, we talked about Mommies, and Babies. We matched up different baby animals with their mommies, and found out that they sometimes even have different names. We then made a fun Mother's Day magnetic Note Holder. We practiced lacing, and even learned how to wrap floral tape around a matching pen. I hope all you mother's love this creation, I know the children were excited to give this gift to you!!

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