Hooray for numbers! We counted and counted then counted some more. We counted, feathers, buttons, starburts, suckers, Legos, blocks, little pet shops, and coins! Each of the children brought 10 items to count. After counting the items, we sorted them into colors, shapes, and sizes, then made patterns with them. ABCABCABC etc.
We then learned one of my favorite songs, "This Old Man." This song is long but fun because of the actions, plus it's always fun to sing a silly song. We glued small pictures to the song, onto our our #10.
For snack we made #10's with pretzels and fruit loops. Some of the children tried making other numbers too.
Number games are always fun. We bowled with 10 pins, naming the numbers that fell. We played a matching game by matching the dots to the number,and "What Number is Missing" game. I'm very proud and impressed that my little ones could recognize and name the numbers. My older class have been practicing naming and printing the numbers the last few weeks.