Monday, February 22, 2010

Clean Teeth and letter E e

E is for elephant. We read Babar the Elephant, where his story begins. We colored gray crayon onto a large elephant then water colored over the crayon to make a wrinkled look. We then wrinkled up gray construction paper to make ears for our elephants. Last but not least made a twine type tail and glued on a peanut.

Another "E" word is Egg. You can never go wrong with Sam-I-am and "Green Eggs and Ham", by Dr. Seuss. After reading the fun rhyming book, that's exactly what we had for snack, green scrambled eggs! The children where a little skeptical about eating green eggs, but after one bite, they were convinced that they did like them. We had a fun time asking each other if they could eat them in different places. We got in some great and funny rhymes.

Dental care is so important. Today we got out Miss Janalynn's extra large laminated smile with teeth. We each took turns drawing plaque or cavities onto the teeth then using the extra large sponge tooth brush to brush off. We looked at diagrams of teeth that are healthy, and some that were not so healthy. We talked about things we can do to keep our teeth healthy like going to the dentist, eating healthy food like vegetables, and brushing and flossing every day. After reading, "Bearstein Bears visit the dentist", we colored and sprinkled sparkles onto our very own toothy smile. As a reminder to what might happen if we Don't take care of our teeth, Miss Janalynn sent us home with some funny fake "rotten teeth".

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