M is for mouse. We read the nursery rhyme in a book, "Hickory Dickory Dock". This version of the Rhyme had all these animals coming and going around this grandfather clock. I had to laugh when Luke asked, "Why is the clock outside?" Good question!
We then made our own clock with a movable mouse that went up and down our clocks.
For snack we had muffins and milk Mmmm...
With the continued theme of weather, we talked about Rain and Rainbows. We made a large rain cloud with shaving cream and a drop of black paint. It was soft and smooth to use our fingers to spread the fluffy mixture onto our paper clouds. After our clouds dried, we glued tinsel on the clouds to look like rain. Miss Janalynn had tinsel EVERYWHERE! But it was fun to dance with with our clouds were done.
For music time, we learned 3 new songs. Rain, Rain Go Away. It's raining, It's pouring, and I can sing a rainbow.
In the older class, we practiced our printing of our letters, using the chalk boards. We also made little mice, with yarn tails for pretend pets.
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