Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Party and the letter"J"

The weather was a "lamb" day and most of us just wore a "Jacket" today! We modeled and showed off our jackets. We learned the sound of "J" with our jackets, and then making a paper jacket that really opened up with "J" pictures inside. We decorated them with pockets and our names on the outside of our jackets.

After a story about a school class that celebrated St. Patricks Day, with a school party, we had our very own party!! We snacked on green punch and cookies, and played some games. we played "Build a Shamrock". We rolled a dice and if you roll a 4 you get a heart shape leaf. You try and make a shamrock with your leaves. We took turns hiding the pot of gold and playing "Hot or Cold". Our favorite game was "Don't Eat Paddy"!

Since the day was nice, we took a jump rope outside and "Jump-Roped" These guys are still little, but I am still impressed to see how well they can Jump!

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