Monday, September 13, 2010

Hooray For ME!

Hooray for ME!
Circles and Squares!

The older class started scissor practicing today. We started with squares , then circles. We practice where to place our thumb and fingers and what in position the scissors and our hands should be in while holding and turning the paper. The cutting became much, much easier when they caught on the hand and paper positions.

We took turns going around the room pointing out circles and squares. And then practiced our shapes by matching circles and squares to the letters of our name.

We talked about ourselves. I found out what some favorites are from the children. We talked about our feelings and what makes us happy, sad, angry, etc. We took our measurements, and decorated with coloring and yarn hair a paper figure of ourselves.

For a fun game we played "Simon says" except replaced Simon with the name of the child who's turn it was. It was a new game to most of the children. It was fun to watch each child think of something for the rest of the children to copy. I had to help with the "Simon says", part, however it still was a hoot to watch and play.

Snack was square cheese with round crackers. The children enjoyed tearing the square cheese into smaller and smaller squares and building tall sandwiches with the crackers. I think they played with snack more than they actually ate it. Good thing we wash our hands good before snack time!

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