Today in the older class, we practiced folding. We folded our, cut out, community helpers on the line to help make them stand. Then we practiced folding the pages of our community helpers coloring book. Folding is a great small motor skills to practice. I noticed the children didn't quit understand how to fold, but when they watched Miss Janalynn do it, they practiced and picked up on it right away.
We took turns playing "Guess Who" using pictures of community workers that were picked out of a bag. Then we read the story, "He Bear, She Bear", by Jan Berestien. We focused on Officer Margarette. We then became police officers ourselves by dressing up a paper doll with a Police Officer's uniform, and our face on it. We learned that there are a lot of people around where we live that have jobs everyday to help us and each other.
The color today was BLUE. After dressing the paper dolls in a blue uniform, we had a snack of real blue berries. Most of the children didn't like them and only had one or two. But they did like the Blue Berry Muffins made from the same bunch of berries. Weird that the blue berries really didn't look blue, but black, however, they made your fingers look blueish-purple.
For a game, we played "My Blue Shoe, how old are you", of course, the answerer's were either 3 or 4, but it was fun to see where it would land, and who's shoe would have to leave the circle.
What made me laugh today was Steven's comment,"I didn't know you were a mommy! I thought you were a teacher!"