Monday, October 11, 2010

Fire Safety and the Color's Red and Yellow

Today we reviewed Community Helpers. We then focused on Fire Fighters, and how important their job is, how we can be safe around fires, and what we can do if there is a dangerous fire. We read the "Fire Truck". We looked at all the parts of a fire truck, and how and why hoses, ladders, oxygen masks, axes, coats, boots, hats, are used. We discussed the importance of not playing with things that can cause fires, so we wont' get hurt.

We played a game called "Stop don't touch" where each took a turn holding up a stop sign whenever a picture was pulled out that was something we shouldn't touch or play with because it could burn us or start a fire. Then we practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll. That was a little crazy with pretending there was fire on us! We made a pretend fire, by gluing red, yellow, and orange tissue paper to a cup.

We had fruit snacks for our snack. We dumped out our bags onto our plates, then separated the yellows and the reds from the other colors. We made a ABA pattern and counted our red and yellow fruit snacks before we ate them.
During singing time, we did the finger poem, "Five Little Fire Fighters", But instead of useing our fingers as actions during the poem, we used ourselves and we didn't stop at 5, we kept going until all of us were fire fighters helping putting out the fire. It got a little crazy all holding onto a jump rope pretending it was a hose putting out the fire! But it was easy to pretend with our craft fires, and a fire fighter hat we got to wear and take home.

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