The First Thanksgiving story was told. We looked at my world map to see where the Pilgrims sailed from to the land where the Indians lived. The story of Indians helping the pilgrims, and how the pilgrims were so thankful for their help. We made an Indian necklace, with a feather for each thing we are thankful for. I tried to write down the things they came up with. It's fun to see how one child will mention something, and soon all the children think that is the best thing, and they all will mention it. This year, almost all the children were thankful to go camping. You know who you are if you just came back from camping. I laughed each time I wrote going camping on a feather.
We leaned some more Thanksgiving songs, and played the Turkey Dinner Game (fruit basket).
The number of the day of course was #3. I read, then sang the song/poem "The Three Little Kittens". The children loved the poem, they didn't like me singing it too much. (probably because I would make funny voices when I just said the poem, but didn't when I sang). We glued pictures of the kittens in their mittens, onto the #3. I told the children to go home and ask mom and dad to help them with the story. The children didn't believe me that their parents would know the story. I promised them that they would. I'm not that old, right? You parents do know the poem/story about the Three Little Kittens who lost their mittens?! I hope I'm right, and you all know it!
The older children practiced cutting out pictures of food, then gluing the pictures to the correct picture of where that food came from. This helped with the meaning of "Harvest". Attached to the food chart, was a fun thankful for food poem. We didn't have time to color during class, and I hope that the children reviewed where the food we eat comes from and colored the food at home.
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