Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Time To Sleep (Hibernation) and the #2

Hibernation is another big word, but much easier to explain that some animals like to find a nice warm home and curl up and sleep all winter long. We popped popcorn and watched the video, "Bear snores on". I also have the book, and the children was amazed that the book was EXACTLY like the movie. I love to see how amazing things are to children. That made me smile!

#2 was fun, because we named many, many things that we have two of. Eyes, Ears, Arms, etc. I showed the children how we can make tiny feet with paint and their fist. We practiced on paper before we stamped tiny feet on the # 2, however, either the #2 was too small for the feet, or the children decided that 2 feet weren't enough. If you weren't sure what was on the #2 sent home, well there you have it, kinda, sorta, feet prints. I ended putting 2 sticker hearts on the #2 so they could at least count 2 of something.

The older children each had a copy of the story "The Napping House". We practiced listening to the bell on the sound recording of the story and following along with the reader. What a funny story with lots of colorful pictures. We learned that everyone needs to sleep to be healthy and sometimes it is good to take naps too.

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