Our Halloween Party was so much fun! The Children were dressed so cute, and they were so excited to be dressed up! We started our party by eating popcorn while we filled plastic gloves up with popcorn to make "Spooky" hands. Then we glued black shapes onto our paper mache pumpkins, to make them into Jack-o-lantern Halloween baskets.
We played Halloween games, like a fun dice game called "How Many Teeth", and "Bat, Bat, Witch". "Musical chairs" was played while listing to some scary Halloween music. After each child had a turn practicing, "Trick-or-Treating" and passing the candy they brought, we bundled up, grabbed our buddy and went "Haunting", (Halloween caroling). We went to 7 homes around the block singing at each one the fun Halloween songs we had been singing this month. What a fun and memorable day!