Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have You Seen? We are learning Green!

The Children watched while I mixed yellow paint with blue paint to make Green. Then we made Goren Frogs out of a small paper plate. We sang the song "Bawlumph, went the little Green Frog" using our puppet green frogs.

It very important that we know how to stay safe. We talked about the road signs we see, and what they mean. Most of them are made to keep us safe whether we are walking or driving, or even riding our bikes! We also talked about other things to keep us safe. Do not talk to strangers, being with a buddy, watching out for cars using the side walks, etc. We talked about things we can do to stay safe indoors too. We pick up toys, don't' play with outlets, don't touch the hot stove. Last but not least, we practiced dialing 911 if and only if their is an emergency and someone is hurt. We read the book, "Shela Rae, the Brave" about what we do if we get lost.

For singing, we practiced our fun Halloween songs.
"Do You Know It's Halloween"
"Found a Pumpkin"
"Ram Sam Sam"

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