Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 little Pilgrims and Indians

Today we talked about Pilgrims, Indians, and the first Thanksgiving. We looked at pictures of Pilgrims long ago, We saw the houses they lived in, the games they played, and the clothes they wore. We talked about things they did and didn't have and how it was very different then today, however, Thanksgiving is still the same.

Thanksgiving means Turkey. We colored and glued a turkey head and tail to a pine cone to make a fun turkey craft to take home. For snack we had corn bread and apple juice, a favorite pilgrim treat. Our game was also a pilgrims favorite, "Hot Potato".

We counted the points on a star, then glued 5 stars to our #5 today. We sang the songs, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Five Little Monkeys". The older class learned or practiced tracing around and inside a stencil star, and also around their hand and their 5 fingers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Harvest Time and the #4

We Harvest by gathering all the fruits and vegetables after our gardens have finished growing. Sometimes we save these foods to eat later by freezing, canning or bottling them. This was fun to learn and then eat some of Miss Janalynn's bottled peaches for snack time. We made a corn stalk craft by practicing our cutting skills on a brown lunch sack and gluing pictures of fruits and vegetables around it. It made a fun fall decor or table center piece.

We read the book, "The Lonely Scarecrow" by, Tim Preston and colored our own scarecrow. We played the game, "Who Stole the Button Off the Scarecrow's Shirt" (Who Stole the Cookies). Then glued a button onto our scarecrow's shirt. Talking about buttons, Miss Janalynn introduced the number "4". We examined our buttons and counted 4 holes in each button. We then decorated our #4 by gluing 4 paper buttons with 4 holes onto our #4.

The older class learned to sew a button by criss-crossing yarn up and down threw a large plastic round lid with 4 holes in it. It was something fun and very different for the kids to learn.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting Ready For Winter and #3

The number today was #3
We took our snack of Teddy Grahams, and made sets of 3 with them before we ate them.
Along with the "Bear" snacks, and the theme of "Getting Ready For Winter", we read the stories, "Time to Sleep" by, Denise Fleming, and the Book "Bear Snores On" by, Karma Wilson. Afterwards, we used a lot of our small and large motor skills, to smash peanut shells to glue onto a paper acorn, for a fun and "Nutty" craft. We role played the story "Bear Snores On", and each of us played a different animal in the story.
For a fun and Crazy game, I had the children go into the other room, while I quickly hid some fake nuts around the preschool room. When the children came back into the room they were pretending to be squirrels. Before they could start, I would say this fun poem. After the poem they would race to find all the nuts.
Squirrels, squirrels, bushy and gray,
Please find the nuts right away.
Winter is coming and it will snow,
Find the nuts. Go! Go! Go!
After all the nuts were found we would separate and categorise all the nuts into shapes, sizes and colors. It was a lot of fun.
I recited the poem, "The Three Little Kittens". Then we glued pictures of those 3 little kittens onto our #3. We talked about sometimes we might make others sad, and then we need to make thins right by saying sorry or fixing what we did wrong.

The older class practiced printing 1,2,3, then glued 1,2,3, on to 3 strips of paper, and then helped Miss Janalynn staple the strips together to form a 3 corner hat. We sang the song, "My Hat, it Has 3 Corners", while making our 3 corner hats
What made me laugh today was Lucas commenting on the children not here today, "It's not the Fall season, it's the sick season!"

Monday, November 8, 2010

Autumn/Fall and #2

We talked about Scarecrows and why farmers use them. I also explained that some people including myself like to decorate yards in the fall with Scarecrows. We then learned a fun poem about 2 black birds:
2 little Black Birds sitting on a gate
One name John and one named Kate
Fly away John, fly away Kate.
Come back John, come back Kate.

We used our fingers to pull off the backs of Black Bird stickers and stuck them to our #2.
We then sang the song "Shoo Crow, Don't Bother Me!" While on the #2, our snacks was Graham Crackers. We took 1 Graham, and broke it into 2 grahams. We had a lot of fun dunking our crackers into milk afterwards.

Our Story today, "In November" by Cynthia Rylant was about different signs of autumn and fall season. We made a leaf wreath for our craft and even glued some candy corn onto our wreaths. I hope they make a fun decoration in your homes.

Instead of "Going on a Bear Hunt" game, we went on a "Leaf Hunt" game. It was a lot of fun up a hill, around a water fall, through the forest, and over a lake, in search of colorful leaves, until we pretended to hear and see a skunk. Then we had to quickly reverse our path back home.

For singing time, we started learning the list of fun November songs that were sent home with the November calendars.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Manners and #1

One little egg sitting on a wall.
One little egg tips and fall.
One little egg rolls down the street.
One little egg begins to peep.
the older children where confused why were making Easter Eggs, until we used our eggs to recite the fun poem,"One Little Egg". We kept saying, not two eggs, not five eggs, just ONE egg! It was fun. We also played a game of rolling a dice, if the one dot was rolled, then everyone wrote 1 onto their paper.
We decorated a #1 with ONE ribbon. We did this last year, and my preschoolers who came last year remembered it! I know it's a repeater, but it's fun for them to bring home their own numbers to hang up on the wall.
Manners is one of my most favorite lessons. This will be practiced the rest of the year. We learn a fun song to help us to have manners and be polite. I had to laugh at Steven and Mylee, because I had their older brothers in my preschool 2 years ago, and they both knew the song. I love it when things like this happen, it makes me love the children just that much more! I shouldn't be too surprised, because my own kids still sing it today, along with, "Halloween" song with the Boo, ending. Hope these songs will continue to be a family favorite :)
We made another traditional and repeat of the shape and color place mat. I like to doing these to help the children learn how to set the table and remember their manners at the table. My preschoolers are already polite and very well mannered, however we all need reminding from time to time.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Transportation: Going Places

I tried a color by number train today for the older children. At first it was kind of confusing for them, especially since we haven't talked about numbers yet, however they seemed to catch on quickly. We have also been practicing "looking" for letters in our name. And also we started coloring grids to make patterns.

My favorite book to read is a fun rhyming book that the kids pick up on fast is, "Bunnies On the Go" by Rick Walton. It cover about every type of transportation there is to use from getting from place to another. We made a map of water, roads, sidewalks, and air and took turns choosing magnetics of different types of transportation to place on our magnetic map. Then, we made our own maps and used stickers of the different types of transportation to stick to it.

Color Review

We had Rainbow Fish crackers for snack today. We separated, grouped, and made patterns with them before eating them. Then we made eggshell leis with the different colors that we learned, by sewing a shoe string threw the shell. Some of the children were able to sew every other way to form a pattern. I was well please they figured that out by looking at my pre-made one.

For a game, we choose different animals and repeated the known poem Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see, and by answering with a different colored animal with each turn. The kids love picking different animals each time. It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Party

"Wee" Love Preschool's Halloween Party 2010

Lots of pictures were taken by Miss Janalynn today! What fun costumes! Today we played games, games, and more games. We played Musical Chairs, Don't eat Pete, and Pumpkin toss. We made our own treat baskets, by coloring and stapling two paper plates together. Then after watching a short movie "Max and Ruby's Halloween," and eating popcorn, we practiced "Trick-or-Treating". We each took a turn and went around the class and "Tricked-or Treated" at each Friend. We all brought treats to share. It was a lot of fun.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Black Spiders

Black Spiders

Today we talked about spiders. Spiders can be scary, but they can be helpful too. We read the book, "Be Nice to Spiders", by Margaret Graham, and the "Very Busy Spider", by Eric Carle. We then made our own spider webs by taking a marble dipped in white paint and very carefully, so not to drop the marble, rolled it back and forth and around and around our black plates. When the paint dried, Miss Janalynn gave us a bouncy ball with a black spider inside it. We played with the ball on our webbed plate and tried not to let our balls drop. It was a fun and crazy game.

We made our snacks today. We made spider cookies, with Oreos and Black licorice. The Oreos were a hit, the licorice wasn't but it was fun to create a spider that we could pull off the legs and then eat.

We also practiced cutting today. We learned that spiders have 8 legs. We cut those 8 legs to make a wind sock. This was the first time "cutting" for the 3 year olds. They did pretty good, it takes a lot of tiny muscles to cut and this was fun for them.

What made me laugh today was Cade's comment, "My dad found a spider and he started screaming, but it was already dead".

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Orange Pumpkins

Annual Hay Ride to the Pumpkin Patch

Today we read the book, "Runaway Pumpkin" by, Kevin Lewis, and talked about all the different things we can make to eat with pumpkins. We even Baked Pumpkin cookies for our snack.

We took turns putting together how a pumpkin is grown sequence cards. Our fun craft was pumpkin plates glue and Orange rice! What fun it was to feel, scoop and play in the rice.

We played "Roll the Pumpkin" and practiced our Halloween songs. Finally the time had arrived for our Hay Ride! We meet our parents in Miss Janalynn's back yard and loaded up on Farmer Robert's tractor-pulled- wagon. Farmer Roberts drove the tractor to the Pumpkin Patch, where we got to pick our very own pumpkins! The weather was perfect and we sang our Halloween songs on our ride. We had a wonderful time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Fun and the Color Brown

Our older class today practiced patterns, using fall and Halloween pictures. We colored the correct picture that came next in the patten that was made. Then we colored a Haunted Halloween house, cut out the windows and doors and glued them in the correct places on the house.

We talked about Halloween today. We looked at some fun/scary pictures of a witch, Frankenstein, vampire, monster, bats, ghost, mummy, etc. We talked about how on Halloween people like to trick their friends by dressing up and trying to scare them. We talked about how these things were NOT real and made to be fun and pretend.

We read a funny book called, "Monsterville's Halloween Party". Instead of dressing up scary for Halloween, they dressed up like humans. They thought that was scary.

We talked about bats. They come out at night and sleep during the day, and that's why sometimes they seem scary, but they really aren't that scary. We read that they like to eat fruit and small bugs and insects. And most surprising was, most bats are BROWN.
We made our very own bat to take home, and used our small fingers to peel and stick big white circle eyes to our bats.

We and recited the poem Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Each of us picked a colored animal to hold up when our part of the poem came up.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Safety Signs, Being Safe and the Color Green

Today we Talked about being safe. Sometimes we see signs that help keep us safe while driving, walking or in places. I encouraged the children to look for these signs and review the importance of having these signs to help everyone be safe.

We made a traffic light with the colors glued in the correct order.
We read Disney's "Safety First", and talked about crossing the street at a corner, cross walk, with an adult, and looking both ways. We talked about safety at a park, be careful of hot slides, walking in front of swings, taking turns and never talk to strangers.
Our Color today is Green.
We talked about turtles, then made a turtle by painting a bowl green and gluing it onto a turtle body. For a game we played, "Find the Turtle Egg". Miss Janalynn hid a ping-pong ball (egg) under 1 of 3 turtle shells (green bowls). Then Miss Janalynn moved the bowls around and around, then we took turns guessing where the egg was. Some of us had a good eye and could watch close the shell with the egg under it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fire Safety and the Color's Red and Yellow

Today we reviewed Community Helpers. We then focused on Fire Fighters, and how important their job is, how we can be safe around fires, and what we can do if there is a dangerous fire. We read the "Fire Truck". We looked at all the parts of a fire truck, and how and why hoses, ladders, oxygen masks, axes, coats, boots, hats, are used. We discussed the importance of not playing with things that can cause fires, so we wont' get hurt.

We played a game called "Stop don't touch" where each took a turn holding up a stop sign whenever a picture was pulled out that was something we shouldn't touch or play with because it could burn us or start a fire. Then we practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll. That was a little crazy with pretending there was fire on us! We made a pretend fire, by gluing red, yellow, and orange tissue paper to a cup.

We had fruit snacks for our snack. We dumped out our bags onto our plates, then separated the yellows and the reds from the other colors. We made a ABA pattern and counted our red and yellow fruit snacks before we ate them.
During singing time, we did the finger poem, "Five Little Fire Fighters", But instead of useing our fingers as actions during the poem, we used ourselves and we didn't stop at 5, we kept going until all of us were fire fighters helping putting out the fire. It got a little crazy all holding onto a jump rope pretending it was a hose putting out the fire! But it was easy to pretend with our craft fires, and a fire fighter hat we got to wear and take home.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Community Helpers and the Color Blue

Today in the older class, we practiced folding. We folded our, cut out, community helpers on the line to help make them stand. Then we practiced folding the pages of our community helpers coloring book. Folding is a great small motor skills to practice. I noticed the children didn't quit understand how to fold, but when they watched Miss Janalynn do it, they practiced and picked up on it right away.

We took turns playing "Guess Who" using pictures of community workers that were picked out of a bag. Then we read the story, "He Bear, She Bear", by Jan Berestien. We focused on Officer Margarette. We then became police officers ourselves by dressing up a paper doll with a Police Officer's uniform, and our face on it. We learned that there are a lot of people around where we live that have jobs everyday to help us and each other.

The color today was BLUE. After dressing the paper dolls in a blue uniform, we had a snack of real blue berries. Most of the children didn't like them and only had one or two. But they did like the Blue Berry Muffins made from the same bunch of berries. Weird that the blue berries really didn't look blue, but black, however, they made your fingers look blueish-purple.

For a game, we played "My Blue Shoe, how old are you", of course, the answerer's were either 3 or 4, but it was fun to see where it would land, and who's shoe would have to leave the circle.

What made me laugh today was Steven's comment,"I didn't know you were a mommy! I thought you were a teacher!"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Where I live and the color Purple

Where I Live
Today our older class looked at and played with Miss Janalynn's floor car map. We pointed out the school, houses, hospital, grocery store, fire station, gas station farm and all the other details on the map. We drove our little match box cars on the drawn roads to the different places on the map. Then we drew our own maps. We glued pictures onto our maps then drew roads that connected the different places.
We talked about different types of homes, homes around the world, and country and city homes.
We read the story of the 3 little pigs, then did a craft with 3 different pigs, and glued straw, sticks or bricks pictures to each of the pigs.

Our Color today was PURPLE. After a snack of purple grapes, we used our thumbs to stamp purple paint onto paper to make grape shapes.

for singing time today we learned two fun finger poems. "I Never Saw a Purple Cow", and Two Little Houses.

What made me laugh today was Cade's comment,"I don't want to be a purple cow, I just want to be a Super Hero!"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Apples, Apples, and more Apples

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!
Today we talked about apples, the different colors, sizes, and things you can do with apples. We did a fun science experience, we cut 4 apples. We put one in water, one in milk, one in lemon juice, and left one in nothing. We took guesses what would happen to the apples. Later we looked at the apples. The one left in nothing, turned brown. The one in water was almost all brown, the apple in milk starting to turn brown, but the apple in lemon juice was still white. The children were amazed. They thought for sure either the water or the milk would keep the apple from turning brown. I love to see how excited they were to see the changes in each apple.

We read a story about Johnny Chapman Appleseed, then Miss Janalynn cut open a apple with a hole in it and found a worm inside. It too was amazing! We painted a large apple and even suck our fingers in the holes to make funny little worms sticking out of our apples.

For singing time, we learned a new song "Do You Know the Apple Man", and then we played, "Find the Appleseed".
We "picked" our apples from the preschool tree. We counted the stickers on our apples, then chose a small treat for each sticker we had.
In the 4 year old class, we cut open a red and a green apple. We looked at each apple. They were the same on the inside, and different on the outside. We counted the seeds, and used the apple halves to stamp paint onto paper to make a picture of the inside and out side of an apple. Afterwards, we got to go outside and pick green and red apples from Miss Janalynn's apple trees, to take home.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Shapes Party

Hooray For Shapes

What a fun day. We not only know our shapes, we practiced drawing them too. Our 4 year olds made beautiful rainbow art work tracing around all the shapes.

Together as a class we made a small shape book and glued shapes to the pages.

Some of us brought items as our favorite shapes, we passed them around to show. Others brought snacks shapes. We shared and passed them out too.
We read a funny book called "Icky Bugs Shapes", by Jerry Pallotta.

Our favorite part of our Shape Party of course was the games. We played, Shape basket, and Toss to the shape.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hearts and Stars. My Family

Hearts and Stars
Hearts and Stars are easy! We sang Twinkle Twinkle little star and talked about the heart meaning "Love". We finished gluing shapes to spell out our names today and practiced printing or tracing our names. The older class stamped heart and star shapes onto a large heart and star.

My Family
We reviewed relatives, and and showed pictures that were brought of the people in our family. We glued our family pictures onto a pre-made cube. We had fun rolling our family cube and naming the family member that was showing on top each time.

We read the book "Amelia Bedelia's Family Album", by Peggy Parish and played "Farmer in the Dell".

Monday, September 20, 2010

Diamonds, Ovals and Families

Ovals , Diamonds and Families

Today the older class finished out cutting their shapes. We practiced tracing our names and then writing our names without the tracing. We played shape match over and over.

After reviewing our previous shapes, Diamonds and Ovals were introduced. We looked at pictures of things that are the shape of diamonds or ovals. We glued ovals and diamond shapes with letters of our names, to our names. For snack we had hard boiled eggs because they were shaped like ovals, and rice krispie diamonds instead of squares.

We talked about families today. We learned that families are people who love us. Some members of our family lives with us, and some don't. Some families have brothers and sisters and babies. Some have only one child. We talked about relatives. We learned that relatives are part of families. Relatives can live close by or far away.

We read the book, "The Relatives Came", by Cynthia Rylant. And then colored a home with paper members of our family to go into the house.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My New Friends

My New Friends
Rectangles and Triangles

After finding rectangles and triangles throughout the room, we reviewed circles and squares and repeated our shape activity of matching rectangles and triangles with the letters of our name.

For our snack we had juice boxes in the shape of rectangles and a slice of cheese pizza the shape of a triangle.

We read the story, "Who Needs Friends", by Christine Taylor, and learned a new friendship song, "I Have A Friend".

We practiced taking turns by playing a few games. I made the "matching" game with the pictures of our preschool friends on them. We also rolled the ball to our friends and practiced nice things we say to our friends. Last but not least, we put together our very own friendship puzzle. It was a picture of our friends at preschool.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hooray For ME!

Hooray for ME!
Circles and Squares!

The older class started scissor practicing today. We started with squares , then circles. We practice where to place our thumb and fingers and what in position the scissors and our hands should be in while holding and turning the paper. The cutting became much, much easier when they caught on the hand and paper positions.

We took turns going around the room pointing out circles and squares. And then practiced our shapes by matching circles and squares to the letters of our name.

We talked about ourselves. I found out what some favorites are from the children. We talked about our feelings and what makes us happy, sad, angry, etc. We took our measurements, and decorated with coloring and yarn hair a paper figure of ourselves.

For a fun game we played "Simon says" except replaced Simon with the name of the child who's turn it was. It was a new game to most of the children. It was fun to watch each child think of something for the rest of the children to copy. I had to help with the "Simon says", part, however it still was a hoot to watch and play.

Snack was square cheese with round crackers. The children enjoyed tearing the square cheese into smaller and smaller squares and building tall sandwiches with the crackers. I think they played with snack more than they actually ate it. Good thing we wash our hands good before snack time!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome Back!

I'm so excited to have preschool back in session!

Open house was September 1st. We took pictures, colored a welcome sign and received our preschool backpacks filled with koolaid bottles, play doe, crayons, and a fruit snack. I enjoyed visiting with both parents, and children.

Wednesday September 8th was the official 1st day of preschool. We went over what rules were, and the rules at preschool. We learned our "Hello" and "Good-bye" preschool songs, read the "Kissing hand" and stamped our hands to make a fun hand print with a loving heart for our parents.

Our favorite part of today was snack time. We made chocolate pudding by shaking it in a large jar, and took turns using a whisk to make vanilla pudding. It was yummy. the majority of the children liked the vanilla pudding.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Vv" We Love Mommy!

We talked about the letter "V" today! Luke was quite happy to know that Vacuum started with the letter V. We talked about Volcanoes. We looked at pictures of Volcanoes. We attempted to glue torn tissue paper on a cone-shaped volcano. First thing I realized is that our class needs to practice more on ripping or tearing paper. This is a great small motor skill. I demonstrated by placing both hands on top of paper and pulling apart. Second thing I noticed is that the children wasn't quite sure about the glue-water mixture, and didn't want to smooth the tissue paper down with their hands. Over all our Volcanoes turned out pretty good, however, I think next year we might use paint instead of tissue paper. We tempted to glue our "V" pictures onto our volcanoes after the tissue paper was on. Yeah, for V!

We Love Our Mommies! We took turns telling each other what we love about our mom. Miss Janalynn melted chocolate, and each child took turns stirring the chocolate with a pretzel wand. We finished by sprinkling the wands. We placed the magic wands in a bag with a mothers day note attached to it. I hope all the mom's love the chocolate wands. I know the children LOVED making the wands. They especially LOVED making a chocolate wand for themselves to eat.

We read the book by P.D. Eastman, "Are You My Mother?" Then Miss Janalynn Showed the Children real Robin eggs she found on the ground yesterday while mowing her lawn. She will attempt to return them to their nest after preschool today.

Monday, May 3, 2010


For the letter "U" we colored a picture of an Umbrella, and drew a picture of ourselves Under the Umbrella. We had a fun snack of muffins. We turned our muffins Upside down and added a cut-off bendable straw to it to make our muffins look like an umbrella. They were yummy umbrellas!

Music is fun to learn about. After looking at and talking about different types of instruments, each child chose a CD to play. We listened to piano music, an orchestra, electric guitar, a Ukulele and brass band music. We listened to see if we could pick out the picture of what instrument was playing. The kids did pretty good at identifying the instrument! We then proceeded to dance to the music. We danced fast and slow. We hopped, and twirled. We pretended to be different animals as we listened to the music. There was plenty of movement and imagination going on today!

We then picked out the homemade instrument that we would be using during our spring program. We defiantly need more practice with our instruments before our program!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Tt" Wild Animals we see at the Zoo!

Today we review a little about reptiles, because we talked about Turtles and the letter T. Our craft was painting a turtle, and gluing on "T" pictures to our turtle shell. We learned more about turtles when we read the classic story, "The Tortoise and the Hair".

We talked about what is a "Wild" animal. We learned that wild animals are animals that need to be cages, or they would run away. The Zoo keeps Wild animals so we can go and see them, without going to far places or getting hurt. The zoo takes good care of animals and makes sure the animals are happy and healthy.
We colored a zoo page and then placed animal crackers onto our zoo page before eating them.
We also put together a wild animal puzzle. The heads and bodies of the animals were interchangeable. The kids had a hoot, to see different animal heads on different bodies! What silly animals!
Our story today was "Strike at the Zoo!" by, Karma Wilson.

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Ss" Under The Sea

Whats more fun then making an actual size Sunflower? Especially when you get to glue real Sunflowers in the middle? The Kids loved to eat the Sunflowers. I was a little nervous to let them eat them, I was constantly telling them to chew them very good, before swallowing them. But I couldn't resist laughing to watch them try and crack the seeds open like a peanut to find the middle seed. It's a real talent to crack a sunflower seed with your teeth, and the kids loved trying. We talked about the Sunflower and why it is called a Sunflower. It looks like one and it follows the Sun across the sky during the day.

For our snack we had fruit Snacks and Sprite to drink, while we watched a part of Finding Nemo. After, we made our own aquariums, with crayon, and blue watercolor. We glued on paper sea creatures to our aquarium.

Our Story today was "The Pout Pout Fish" by, Deborah Diesen.
During singing we fished with a fishing pole to pick the song to sing.
The weather was nice outside, so we even had time to play a little Soccer. What a fun "S" day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Rr" and Reptiles

I really hope the children got the meaning of what a reptile is, I wonder if they just ended up thinking we talked about scary or poisonous creatures. Anyways, we took a look at a big book of Reptiles with all sorts of types, colors, and sizes of snakes, turtles, lizards and alligators. We read the book "A Girl and Her Gator", by Sean Bryon. And then learned and colored a fun Reptile poem.

For the letter R, we put glued together a Rainbow. Then we colored and glued Rain drops onto our Rainbow picture. We looked at pictures of Rabbits, and then for snack we ate Rabbit's favorite food, carrots, with Ranch and Raisins!!
We started practicing for our program today. We Reviewed some of our past songs. I was proud to see the children still Remembered them.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Qq" Birds

We talked about the letter "Q". Unlike the letter "P", there isn't a lot of "Q" words. Miss Janalynn brought out her quilt to show and we talked about how a quilt is a blanket that is made with different pieces of material. We talked about Queens, Quarters, and Quails. We colored these "Q" pictures in our "Queen's Quilt" booklet.

We then talked about another type animal. We talked about birds. We got out the large Animal picture encyclopedia, to look at the different types of birds. We colored pictures of a Cardinal, Blue Jay and Robin. We then made a bird seed feeder to take home and hang on a tree so we could watch the different birds that would come to eat.

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Pp" Pets and Pajamas

We wore our Pajamas today to Preschool. It was so much fun to see our friends in Pajamas. We had super hero pajamas, Pink and Purple Pajamas, and fun character Pajamas.

P is a fun letter, because there are a lot of things to eat that start with the letter "P". Our class made a pretend pie. We filled our pie with "P" pictures. Some children chose to only fill their pies with real food pictures, like peaches, pumpkins, pears, and pizzas, while others used, pencils, pens, pennies, paint and penguins.

For a snack we had Pretzels, and fruit Punch.

We used a straw to blow a Ping-Pong ball across the floor, for a fun game.

For our animal theme, we talked about Pets. We talked about how we need to take care of our pets, and the different things our pets might need. We colored a 3-D dog and cat. It was interesting to see how the children viewed the dog and cat before they were put together. Some knew right away how to put them together, while others thought they had 2 dogs and 2 cats. Of course they all loved coloring their animals different.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Oo" Animals on the Farm

Our theme for April is, Animals. We started with Farm Animals. Miss Janalynn pulled her "Old Lady" puppet, and we sang the song while we each took a turn feeding the old lady a different farm animal. There was a lot giggles. While we had our animals picked out for the old lady, we used them to sing the song, "Old McDonald Had A Farm". And read the book, "On the Farm".

Our letter for the day was "O". We talked about O words with the O sound. We then talked about Oxen. Oxen are similar to Cows, and Farmers use them to pull things because they are very strong. We used a tooth brush to paint fur onto our large Ox, then glued on O pictures.

For our snack we had Beagles because they were shaped like the letter "O".

For a game today, we took turns hiding a farm animal behind our backs, and giving clues about the animal, while the other children tried to guess what animal was hidden.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Nn" Easter and Spring Party

We talked a lot about Spring today. We talked about how flowers are starting to grow, about seeing baby animals around, and birds building NESTS.

We read "The Best Nest" by P.D. Eastman, and Miss Janalynn even passed around a real bird's nest for all of us to see. We headed up stairs to the kitchen where we watched butter melt with marshmallows. We poured the marshmallow mixture over Chinese NOODLES and then proceded to get our hands gooey by shaping a NEST with the mixture. Miss Janalynn added jelly bean eggs and a marshmallow peep to our nest.

Miss Janalynn had the music for the "Bunny Hop". We all took turns being the leader and tried to do lead the rest in the fun hopping dance.
After making a Easter Bunny Basket out of milk jugs, we played Duck. Duck Goose, while Miss Janalynn hid Easter Eggs with our names on them around her house (It was rainy weather outside, so we had our Easter Egg Hunt indoors). It was a lot of fun today. Plenty of sugar and movement.

In our older class we started on our NAME Pictures.